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my friend will.


click to see it bigger. its been a cold past few days.


....i think i'm finally addicted to the bean. thanks starbucks. empire strikes back. tonight. nerd? yes.


look at this.

wilco always wants to be outside running and smelling trees and chasing leaves. i like to sit inside and keep myself busy on the computer and such. we both have to compromise. i'm through episode five of my star wars marathon. man the old ones were so good.


just found this article about an electric race car. i want one.

i'm going to miss my little office nook. i was able to just build a desk space right in, so i guess i'll have to figure something else out after christmas in the new place. i'm saw a desk at ikea and liked it a lot.



hannah and i found this guy at target a few months ago. i found this on youtube a few minutes ago. crazy japanese. i dig it.


another lazy day.


inside and out

this is where i live now, but i'm searching for a new place...hoping to be moved in before i go home for christmas. we'll see how that works out.


i think this reminds me of a movie.
today was spent doing almost nothing. hannah was over working on a research paper, and i tried to help by making coffee and lunch and running an errand. i dragged hannah outside to take some pictures right before dark. this was iso 1000 at f/1.4. i'm happy with my 3 1/2 year-old, discontinued, outdated digital camera.


december photo project

wilco sniffing around the kitchen after we got home from a chicago thanksgiving. click the picture to see it bigger.


family photo

we tried to include the dogs but they wouldnt hold still for a 1/4th of a second.



i took my camera outside while we were putting up christmas lights. david and i threw a net of lights over mary and took her hostage.

numéro un

my friend haley wachdorf is starting this project where you post a photo every day for the month of december. thats what prompted me to start this blog, in addition to all my friends and coworkers having theirs for years. and hopefully to create something for past and present clients to see what else i end up doing with my camera. i'd like to give credit to my girlfriend hannah for helping me come up with the ridiculous title, wetsuit waffle. i graciously pass all fault to her for turning viewers away. so hopefully i'll post my first december picture on monday.