if i've photographed your wedding in the last year, you should have got an email from me today. if you didn't, it's time again for the full resolution disc sale. click
here for details!
in the meantime, during a mild trampoline episode, my glasses were broken. i have managed to glue them back together, and they are currently holding strong. also, you should click over to
hannah's blog, and read about how we had our wedding rings tattooed on our anniversary.
and lastly, congratulations to my brother david for running his 3rd full marathon yesterday in Washington D.C., raising money for Push America, helping serve people with disabilities.
here is picture of us a long time ago. when we get together now, it's really not much different.

***This just in****
Joe and his ipod costume were featured on USA Today's Pop Candy blog. Click
here to check it out. That both of my brothers now that have been featured on the blog. If you don't remember, David was featured
here for attending the best worst movie premiere. It looks like I'm going to need to figure out a way to show up on this blog if I want to have a scrap of dignity.