
Owl's Hill


Bicycle Restore

Over the last month or so I've been spending spare time restoring a vintage Schwinn bicycle for my friend Sara. Once upon a time, Schwinn made really great bicycles. Although now it seems they have started making quality bikes again, for a while you could find Schwinn bikes in department stores, and they worn't worth their weight in, well, anything. This one came from the glory days, and while in rough shape on the outside, the frame and wheels were worth preserving. Anyway, here's what I did with it. I'm sure Sara is going to be thrilled.

Using a nasty can of stripper, the paint started bubbling off the frame in minutes. When little drops of the stuff ended up on my arm or something it would immediately start burning and I would run inside and wash it off.


if you have an old bicycle in need of some love, give me a shout.


our dogs like Daniel

This is Daniel, a good friend and future physician. He and his wife just moved in down the road from us and we've started having lunch with them most Sundays. Friends are so good to have!



This is my friend Travis, he is in a band you may have heard of. We got to spend some time together at his place in Atlanta; I had traveled up there for a tattoo from Anchor Tattoo in Athens. I went with Travis and some friends to see a Leagues show, and it made the trip that much better.


Caylin at Two Rivers Mansion

This is a test shoot I did with my new friend Caylin. Enjoy!

click this to view larger.


Venice, California

Hannah and I spent last week in Venice, with highs of 75 degrees, and jacket weather at night. Despite the perfect circumstances, It was a tough week for both of us. You can read about it here whenever hannah puts up her take on the week, but for now enjoy these photos-


I took a break from this busy month and flew to Chicago to see my little brother graduate high school. We ended up rocking climbing in this big gym, which I've never done before. So much fun, I recommend it. We also shot off a model rocket with my dad. Overall, a great weekend. Hopefully I will find some time to put together a video.